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Other labels 26
CR State (BE)Approved
Open / Dotnet Interview
Merge Request backend code is fully approved by the Reviewer.
CR State (BE)Feedback
Open / Dotnet Interview
The Code Review on this Merge Request has failed. The Issue Assignee has to fix it.
CR State (BE)For Review
Open / Dotnet Interview
Merge Request backend code is ready to be reviewed by the Reviewer.
CR State (BE)QA Passed
Open / Dotnet Interview
QA on linked Issue has passed or the Reviewer decided that QA is not necessary.
CR State (FE)Approved
Open / Dotnet Interview
Merge Request frontend code is fully approved by the Reviewer.
CR State (FE)Feedback
Open / Dotnet Interview
The Code Review on this Merge Request has failed. The Issue Assignee has to fix it.
CR State (FE)For Review
Open / Dotnet Interview
Merge Request frontend code is ready to be reviewed by the Reviewer.
CR State (FE)QA Passed
Open / Dotnet Interview
QA on linked Issue has passed or the Reviewer decided that QA is not necessary.
Feedback required
Open / Dotnet Interview
Issue Assignee requires more information from different person.
State2. In Code Review
Open / Dotnet Interview
At least some part of the code was handed over for Code Review by the Issue Assignee.
State3. In QA
Open / Dotnet Interview
Task has been completely reviewed and is ready for the QA and UAT process.
State4. On Main
Open / Dotnet Interview
The Issue and its branch was merged to main. Issue is ready to be deployed to Production.